There are several provisions focused on decarbonization or greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction.
- GHG Reduction Fund (EPA): New fund to invest up to $27 billion to rapidly deploy low- and zero-emission technologies in disadvantage communities. These funds will go to non-profit, state and local financing institutions that also leverage investments from the private sector.
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (EPA): This includes $4.75 billion in competitive grants to implement GHG air pollution reduction plans and another $250 million in grants for the costs of developing plans to reduce GHG air pollution. It also directs the EPA to make such a grant to at least one eligible entity in each state.
- Advanced Industrial Facilities Deployment Program (DOE): $5.8 billion will be available through September 30, 2026, to create a new program within the Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) to invest in projects aimed at reducing emissions from energy intensive industries.
- Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants (EPA): $3 billion will be invested in community-led projects in disadvantaged communities to address disproportionate environmental and public health harms related to pollution and climate change.
- Affordable Housing Energy Efficiency and Water Efficiency (HUD): $837 million available to provide loans and grants for projects targeting affordable housing. The funds can be used for:
- Improving energy or water efficiency
- Enhancing indoor air quality or sustainability
- Implementing the use of zero-emission electricity generation, low-emission building materials or processes
- Energy storage
- Building electrification or to address climate resiliency